On January 1, 1954, Odie & Merlene Grammer moved to Seagoville, Texas with their 3 children with the mission of starting an independent, fundamental Baptist church. Bro. Grammer immediately began knocking on doors, and soon God led him and his wife to a group of people who wanted to fulfill that mission, LT Cox family, Mrs. Willard Harrison, Kathy Tucker and Mr. & Mrs. Felton Gandy. This excited and enthusiastic group met for the first time on April 25, 1954 in the home of Bro. Grammer. There were a total of 11 people in attendance and the first offering was $33.90. Shortly after that meeting, these determined Christians began to look for a building to rent in which they could begin their endeavor. God provided a cafe building for them to begin their work. A tent meeting soon followed at that present location, and from that meeting many people were converted. From this group of converts many expressed an interest in forming a local, independent, Baptist church. As a result, on May 30, 1954 with 28 charter members, the Victory Baptist Church of Seagoville was established. It was at that time that Bro. Grammer was officially called to be the pastor. God so began to bless and with the hard work of the members of Victory, the church grew and a larger building was needed. As a result, the first building began in June of 1954.

In 2014, God once again began to move in the hearts of the VBC congregation to seek an even larger facility to carry on the work that began over 6 decades ago. In this faithful pursuit, God would lead us to a 50,000 sqft. facility in the heart of Seagoville that now has become our Home where our weekly worship services are held. Though areas are currently under construction, worship and growth continue forward. Each week brings new and exciting opportunities to both worship and serve our LORD Jesus Christ.